How to Create Your Own Trivia

We have over 100,000 trivia questions to choose from. But sometimes, you have a great idea for a quiz challenge that we don't have. The good news is you can create and customize your own quiz! If you want to create your own trivia quiz challenge, here are the steps you need to take.

Step 1. Login to your account.

Step 2. Click on the "Create new trivia" button.

Step 3. Give your trivia quiz a title.

Step 4. Start filling out questions and the answers. You'll need to select one correct answer and provide 3 wrong ones. Click on the tickbox of the correct answer.

  • You also have the option to add an image to each question to provide more context if you'd like
  • Click on "Add question" to add more questions
  • The "Fill wrong answers" button will automatically add wrong answers into the mix.

Step 5. Click on Save. 

To access your trivia and invite others to play, head over to the "My Trivia" section in your multiplayer room. To play in multiplayer mode, you'll need a paid plan. Click here to sign up for a premium account now.

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